Happy Valentine's Day
Our Nurseketeers series characters, particularly Frannie, would find Valentine’s day a red-letter one full of romantic day dreams. Her prince charming would represent all of love’s potentials particularly those that he would (or should) shower upon her. She would be enthralled with the idea and all the associated romanticism of the day and sorely disappointed if he didn’t deliver on her dream.

When you think of Valentine’s day, what springs to your mind that causes the pitter patter of thoughts of the most romantic, passionate event that has happened to you? This is a month to celebrate all the rich wonderful emotion generated by relationships. Acknowledging special moments that stand out as true love; therefore, making the day special and one to be remembered through time. What was the first valentine that you remember? Did it include a box of little hearts with inscriptions of Be mine, Luv you, Hugs, Kiss me, or XOXO? Did you savor each one as if the sender was with you saying each word as you munched away on the sweet morsels?

Relationships are an amazing developmental find. They are fun and full of hope. Recreating that passion through the relationship’s ups and downs can be an enriching and exciting challenge.
One legend suggests that Valentine was in love with a young girl and possibly his jailor’s daughter who visited him in prison and perhaps took place around A.D. 270. (https://www.history.com/.amp/topics/valentines-day/history-of-valentines-day-2).
Valentine’s Day is celebrated worldwide. For example, in Japan, women give the sweet chocolate treats to men who may range in type from the platonic friendship to that of fine chocolate for the romantic partner. No matter the beginning of this celebrated activity, Valentine’s Day always brings forth a day of romance and love. When I think of valentines, I think of beautiful boxes filled with lovely chocolates allowing me to indulge my sweet tooth and thoughts of love with each bite.

Who is that special someone that unlocks the key to your heart with each breath you take? Whether the passion is just at the beginning or has been through the trials of life’s ups and downs, to be repeatedly rekindled sparking a new adventure of life and love. This day is one for celebration with your special person.

We wish you a wonderful Valentine’s day, enjoyed with your special one, with loads of chocolate and each other.

From your Nurseketeers Valentines
Joy Don and Terri