We received a Book Excellence Award!
We are incredibly excited to announce that we have been recognized as a Book Excellence Award Winner for our book, A, B, & Cs of Author Partnering in the Non-fiction Category.

Out of hundreds of books that were entered into the Book Excellence Awards competition, our book was selected for its high quality writing, design, and overall market appeal.

To view our complete award listing, you can visit: https://honorees.bookexcellenceawards.com/#!/The-A-B-&-Cs-of-Author-Partnering-Writing-and-Publishing/p/143373840/category=36034730
The book was released in March 2019 and it guides you through creating a partnership, establishing a productive work environment, and producing your work of fiction, non-fiction or journal article.
The book is perfect for those wanting to author a book with a writing partner, which can take the sting and isolation out of a solo writing project.
You can get a copy for yourself at https://www.bakergoodman.com/a-b-cs-of-author-partnering.